First cameth the Panther Mini bars now cometh the Panther Mini chain! This ultra thin kerf chain works superbly on our Panther Mini bars/Stihl 1/4 .043[1.11m] Bars. The main benefit of this chain for some is that it does not have the bumper link in front of the cutter which many say gives better cutting performance and makes it easier to cut on the pushing side of the bar.
NB: Stihl came up with the 3670-71PM3 1/4 picco .043 chain – some folks love the Panther Mini Chain – and a few have gone back to the Stihl. If in doubt or if cutting is not what you think it should be try each chain type and stick to what works for you. This chain is fiddly and it doesn’t take much for it to stop cutting well.